Dua Hajat
Dua Hajat is very effective for any valid wish. This Dua has many virtues. Whoever recite this Dua Allah SWT will open blessed door on him.
If someone wants to achieve the love of Allah SWT he should recite this Dua 1 time after each prayer. Inshallah, Allah SWT will pleased with him and his all valid wishes will be fulfilled, His wealth will increase. He will be rich in this world and religion.
If a person has to give a loan and he does not have money, then by the grace of Allah SWT his debt will be paid off. Whoever recite this Dua he will always remain under protection of Allah SWT.
Whoever recite this Dua Allah SWT will give him victory over his enemies. If someone recite Dua Akasha 41 times in 2 raka'h nafil He will get married wherever he wants. This Dua is very effective for world and religion.