All kinds of work and hard labour are respected in an Islamic society, The status of honest, hard working men is not lowered because of the work they do for a living. The Holy Prophet pbuh made it clear that any work was hourable in comparison with asking for charity or begging. He is reported to have said: “To earn a clean living, is also a duty next to the obligatory duties of faith.” (Baihaqi) This shows that after the performance of the obligatory duties of faith, earning of one’s livelihood through honest means and by engaging oneself in a clean trade or profession comes first. The seeking oneself in a clean trade of profession comes first. The seeking of lawful sustenance by Muslims has been designated as a form of worship by the Holy Prophet PBUH.
Once, a companion asked the Holy Prophet PBUH about income that was better and more clean. He answered: “The one who works with his hands and every trade that was done with honesty. (Ahmad)