Sahib-ul-Quran may mean one who has committed the Quran to memory, or one who has developed proficiency in it by constantly reciting it.
When a camel is constantly supervised and is kept tethered, it remains under control, otherwise it flees. Similarly if a person constantly recites the Quran and is vigilant not to let it slip from his mind, it is a source of spiritual benefit to him. When a person becomes indifferent to it, it slips out of his mind.
It is reported that the Holy Prophet phuh said: “Keep refreshing your knowledge of the Quran, for I swear by Him in whose hand my soul is that is the no reliable to escape than camels which are tethered.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
When the recitation of the Quran is neglected, it is not abruptly that the Quran slips out of one’s mind. The process is slow like the movement of a tethered camel which walks haltingly.