#Companions of the Holy Prophet PBUH - Islam Peace Of Heart

 Merits of the Companions

Ashab, thé-plural of Sahabi, means the companions or associates of the Holy Prophet The general opinion in connection with the use of this word is, all those people whe embraced Islam, saw the Holy Prophet PBUH, had the privilege of being in his company, even for a 'short time and died, as believers are his compaņions. It is said that when the Prophet PBUH marched to Makkah, he had ten thousánd companions with him, twelve thousand when he marched to Hunain and one hundred and fourteen thousand accompanied him on his last pilgrimage. The number of companions at the time of his death is. said to be one hundred and forty four thousand.

One of the qualities of the companions described in the Quran is their attachment to the Faith. (49:7). Despite their smail numerical strength, they were neither dismayed nor scared. Faith in Allah had made them fearless and strong in their belief that with His Help, they could successfully meet any danger.

The companions, particularly, those who were in the company of the Prophet PBUH,  from the very beginning, benefitted from him so much that from a Crude and ignorant desert people, they were raised to the rank of being the most religious, spiritual and moral guides for mankind. They lived pure and disciplined lives, strictly in accordance with the example of the Prophet PBUH they accepted and defended the religion of Allah under the most severe Circumstances. They were insulted and abused, beaten and tortured many times.

Especially the slaves, who were tortured almost to death, but none of them ever thought of renouncing his religion. (Tirmizı)

An understanding of their lives is essential because they constitute the first Pure channel through which the Quran and the Sunnah were memorized, recorded and transmitted to the following generations.

After the Holy Prophet PBUH the companions were the most powerful means whereby Islam was propagated in the world. It was due to their selfless and untiring efforts, combined with their sacrifices and moral strength that Islam became a dominant force in the world.

The Holy Prophet PBUH frequently praised his companions and spoke highly of their Virtues. He is reported to have said: "My companions are like stars, those who follow them get guidance.

And: "The best of my people is my generation; next those who succeed them, next those who will succeed them." (Muslim)

And also: "No companion of mine will die in a land without being raised as a guide and a light for them on the Resurrection Day." (Tirmizi)


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