Islamic Quiz
1) Which continents does the Muslim World contain?
Ans) Asia and Africa.
2)Which is the second largest continent in the world?
Ans) Africa.
3) For the first time, when did Islam enter the continent of Africa?
Ans) During the first migration to Abyssinia.
4) How much part of the continent of Africa is ruled by Muslims?
Ans) Three fourth.
5) With respect to area, which is the largest Muslim country in Asia?
Ans) Kazakhstan.
6) With respect to area, which is the Biggest Country in Africa?
Ans) Sudan.
7) In terms of population, which is the largest country in the Muslim world?
Ans) Indonesia.
8) With respect to the area which is the largest country in the Muslim world?
Ans) Kazakhstan.
9) Which country is the biggest grower of cotton in the Muslim world?
Ans) Uzbekistan.
10) Which country is the biggest grower of wheat in the Muslim world?
Ans) Kazakhstan.
11) Which are the two famous European Muslim states?
Ans) Albania and Bosnia.
12) In terms of population, which is the second largest country in the Muslim world?
Ans) Pakistan.
13) In terms of population, which is the third largest Country in the Muslim world?
Ans) Bangladesh.
14) In terms of population and area, which is the smallest country in the Muslim world?
Ans) Maldives
15) Name the continent of the world in which Egypt is situated?
Ans) Africa