#Sufis In India - Islam Peace Of Heart

 Sufis in India

The advent of sufis to India dates back to the Arab conquest of Sindh. It is believed that some of the sufi saints might have penetrated into different parts of the country during this very period. After the establishment of the Muslim rule in Northern India, the sufis, from the Muslim countries of Central Asia, began to Migrate to this country in large numbers as the peacelul missionaries of Islam. They dedicated their lives to the service of mankind and the spread of the Islamic faith. The propagation of Islam was regarded by them to be the greatest and most valuable service to be rendered to the people; to lead them from darkness to light and to convert the dar-ul-harb (the home of atheism) into dar-ul-Islam (the home of Islam) was the highest mission of their lives.

The sufis set up their abode on the low castes on the boundary of the Hindu towns. The first object was to win their love and confidence and reconcile them to the Muslim rule. Secondly, they persusded them to embrace Islam on merit. The Sultanate of Delhi was confined to only a part of India for most of the time but the sufis spread themselves throughout the country and carried on peaceful propagation of Islam.


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